

FileSender initially is a server software file sharing developed to the requirements of the higher education and research community. After installation onto an institutional server, the instutution can host its own filesharing/sending system independent from data safety and security concerns that come with common commercial offers.

For the user, FileSender is a web based application that allows authenticated users to securely and easily send arbitrarily large files to other users or groups of users with email addresses. Authentication of users is provided through SimpleSAMLphp, supporting SAML2, LDAP and RADIUS and more. Users without an account may be sent an upload voucher by an authenticated user.

After sending a file will be available for download for a certain number of downloads and/or a certain amount of time, and after that will be automatically deleted. FileSender is not intended as a permanent file publishing/storage platform.

FileSender may particular be of interest in regions of limited other independent options – e.g. in China.


The Commons Conservancy (Netherlands)

Free (open access license)

Tutorial (by third party):

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Peter Benz

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By Peter Benz



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