
Digital Libraries 0 (0)


A digital library, digital repository, or digital collection, is an online database of digital objects including text, still images, audio, video, and/or other digital media formats. Objects can consist of digitized versions of originally analogue artefacts (e.g. books, prints, or photographs), as well as of originally produced digital content. In addition to storing content, digital libraries provide means for organizing, searching, and retrieving the content contained in the collection.


Online Education Platforms 0 (0)


As many institutions switch to online delivery of studio courses, they often would like to provide video instructions and/or demonstrations especially for certain technical skills. Youtube is a reasonable resource for that, but may be difficult to predict in terms of quality, continuity of availability, legitimacy (intellectual property) or/and – in some contexts (e.g. China) – accessability.


(Formative) Assessments Tools 5 (1)


In all educational contexts fair assessment is at the very heart of the contract between the student, the instructor and the institution; it’s supposed to allow both students and instructors to evaluate student’s concurrent standing in a particular subject matter in relation to particular institutional parameters. All parties involved accordingly rightfully expect assessment to be immanently objective, transparent, and thereby comprehensive.


Online Communication & Collaboration 5 (1)


Clearly, Zoom (more information here) has exploded to become a leading platform for online teaching and learning as well as general online meetings in early 2020, but it is certainly not the only platform/tool available, it doesn’t offer all the functions liked and needed especially in creative studio courses, and recently it raised a series of security concerns.




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