As many institutions switch to online delivery of studio courses, they often would like to provide video instructions and/or demonstrations especially for certain technical skills. Youtube is a reasonable resource for that, but may be difficult to predict in terms of quality, continuity of availability, legitimacy (intellectual property) or/and – in some contexts (e.g. China) – accessability.
(more…)Supporting Tools for Online Teaching
Other than those main tools needed to deliver an online class, and those related idrectly to specific course contents and creative practices, there are a number of small helper tools or support resources that may not be strictly necessary, but are simply nice to have, becasue they make life easier.
(more…)(Formative) Assessments Tools
In all educational contexts fair assessment is at the very heart of the contract between the student, the instructor and the institution; it’s supposed to allow both students and instructors to evaluate student’s concurrent standing in a particular subject matter in relation to particular institutional parameters. All parties involved accordingly rightfully expect assessment to be immanently objective, transparent, and thereby comprehensive.
(more…)Teaching Online
As would be expected teaching and learning online is different to teaching and learning in a traditional classroom setting; in particular transitioning from one to the other requires adaptation – and the exploration of very different tools and practices to achieve the best possible learning.
(more…)Teaching with Google
Already before Covid-19 Google offered a very comprehensive toolbox of applications and resources that could cover most – if not all – needs and requirements of the classroom at all levels for free. In response to the situation as developing since March 2020, they’ve aggregated and explained their efforts in one dedicated website: Teach from Home.
Mural offers digital workspaces (=online whiteboards) for visual collaboration between up to 50 participants (for the cheapest plan). As a collaboration tool Mural enables users to build, share and collaborate on projects from any location and on any device either on a browser or via the native Mural app.
(more…)Synchronous and/or Asynchronous Teaching and Learning
As online education grows, a debate develops about the pros and cons for either synchronous or asynchronous teaching and learning practices.
(more…)Presenting Online
Presenting online via a videostream or conferencing app requires some additional preparation compared to conventional physical presentations in a classroom/meeting/conference. Here are some preparatory considerations.