

Kunstmatrix is in fact a software bundle intending to support the entire virtual representation of practising artists; this includes the tools Art.Depot, Art.Spaces, Art.Office, and Art.Augmented.

For education purposes probably the Art.Spaces tool is of most immediate interest. It allows to arrange, curate and archive creative achievements in 3D virtual exhibition rooms that are accessible throgh Kunstmatrix’s own website or may embedded in any other site.

In difference to other products Kunstmatrix initially encourages users to choose from a selection of pre-configured rooms from their library. Other virtual spaces need to be purpose designed with support from the provider (probably at some costs?).

To populate the virtual art space, all art pieces need to be uploaded to the Art.Depot tool, where they may be “stored” (incl. labelled, categorised etc.). The Art.Augmented tool allows to preview and present the art as augmented reality on a mobile device in any real space. Finally, Art.Office manages sales etc. of the work.

The entire tool box is browser-based, no software downloads/installations required.


Kunstmatrix Technologies GmbH (Germany)

free (after account registration)

Tutorial (by provider):

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Peter Benz

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By Peter Benz



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