Sculpture: Tools and Resources


All of the following tools and resources for Sculpture and other installation practices are available online, most of them for free – though sometimes with limitations (e.g. time, number of downloads etc.).


Burning Imaginations (Sculpture, 3D)
A series of nine training videos on mould making and casting techniques for both fine art and product design. Videos are produced by Aalto University Sculpture in collaboration with Aalto University Foundry Engineering. All videos are in Finnish language, with English subtitles.


Sculptfab (Sculpture, 3D modelling)
Sculptfab is a very simple tool – based on SculptGL – to sculpt 3D models directly in a browser.

SculptGL (Sculpture, 3D modelling)
SculptGL is a digital sculpting web app, with sources available on GitHub.

Sculptris (Sculpture, 3D modelling)
Sculptris is three-dimensional modelling software that’s specifically tailored to accommodate the needs of sculptors, visual artists and 3D designers. (More information)

Sketchup (3D Modelling, Architecture)
SketchUp is a 3D modeling software for a wide range of drawing applications such as architectural, interior design, landscape architecture, civil and mechanical engineering, film and video game design.
Free (Sketchup Pro offers free licenses for education institutions)

More tools and resources of interest for this area may be found in the posts for Media Arts, Object Design or Spatial Design.

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Peter Benz

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By Peter Benz



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